
butyl fluoride mite Learn more about butyl fluoride mite

  • Efficacy and effect of buflon

    Efficacy and effect of buflon

    Butyl fluoroacarate is a new acaricidal agent of benzoylacetonitrile, which is used to control the main mites parasitic on plants in fruit trees, vegetables, tea trees and other crops and flowers. The product is 20% suspending agent. It is effective against both eggs and adults of spider mites, and has higher activity against nymph mites. I. Tetranychus Tetranychus

    2020-11-09 Butyl fluoride mite ester efficacy and action butyl fluoride mite yes benzoyl
  • What pesticides are needed to control cherry diseases and insect pests

    What pesticides are needed to control cherry diseases and insect pests

    Cherry planting process is often affected by diseases and insect pests, how to correctly control diseases and insect pests is very important for planting income, below we will cherry pest control corresponding pesticide introduction, for farmers' reference. 1. Cherry main diseases control corresponding pesticides: 1.1 control of bacterial perforation disease.

  • Detailed explanation of control techniques of four major insect pests in jujube

    Detailed explanation of control techniques of four major insect pests in jujube

    Detailed explanation of control techniques of four major insect pests in jujube

  • What are the commonly used pesticides? What is the function of each?

    What are the commonly used pesticides? What is the function of each?

    Pesticides, now known as pesticide in English, are killing agents, but in fact, pesticides are used to control pests (pests, harmful mites, nematodes, pathogens, weeds and rats) that endanger the production of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. Later, through the longer-term

    2020-11-09 Commonly used commonly used pesticides have what function
  • What is orange spider?

    What is orange spider?

    What is orange spider? How to prevent? Panonychus citri (MeGregor), also known as Panonychus citri, belongs to Arachnida, Acari, Prostigmata, Tetranychidae, which is a very serious pest mite on citrus. It is widely used in Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangzhou, Guangdong, etc.

  • Main herbicides and their application methods in wheat field

    Main herbicides and their application methods in wheat field

    Main herbicides and their application methods in wheat field

  • Control of armyworm of edible fungi and identification of diseases of edible fungi

    Control of armyworm of edible fungi and identification of diseases of edible fungi

    Control of armyworm of edible fungi

  • What should be paid attention to when chemical weeding is used in corn field?

    What should be paid attention to when chemical weeding is used in corn field?

    What should be paid attention to when chemical weeding is used in corn field? At present, chemical weeding area in corn field accounts for about 70% of corn planting area. Most herbicides used in production are atrazine plus acetochlor or its compound. However, atrazine has long residual effect and poses a threat to the safety of subsequent crops.

  • What are the common diseases and insect pests of Anthurium andraeanum? Prevention and control techniques of common diseases and insect pests of Anthurium andraeanum

    What are the common diseases and insect pests of Anthurium andraeanum? Prevention and control techniques of common diseases and insect pests of Anthurium andraeanum

    Recently, the editor found that many flower growers were consulting about the cultivation of Anthurium andraeanum in the background, summed it up, and found that the consultation on the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Anthurium andraeanum was the most. The following editor brings you the prevention and control techniques of common leaf and flower diseases and insect pests of Anthurium andraeanum. For reference

  • Causes of herbicide damage of Schisandra chinensis

    Causes of herbicide damage of Schisandra chinensis

    Chemical herbicides are widely used because of their advantages of low investment, quick effect and labor saving. The types of herbicides are increasing year by year, and the amount of herbicides used is increasing continuously. Although the agricultural department has done a lot of publicity and training on the use of herbicides for farmers, according to the recent investigation of the Beijing Drug Office and Yichun Plant Protection Station, due to the influence of the drift of herbicide droplets, the problem of drug damage to Schisandra chinensis planted nearby is particularly prominent. According to the North Pharmaceutical Office and Taoshan Forestry Bureau of Tieli City, Heilongjiang Province

  • How do pests harm flowers? Main damage modes of flower pests

    How do pests harm flowers? Main damage modes of flower pests

    In the last article, we introduced the common pests in the process of potted soil flower culture. We all know that pests do great harm to flowers, seriously threatening the reproduction, growth, flowering, fruiting and ornamental value of flowers.

  • How to prevent and cure the drug damage of Schisandra chinensis

    How to prevent and cure the drug damage of Schisandra chinensis

    In recent years, the chemical harm of a large number of Schisandra chinensis plants planted in various places has occurred from time to time, the light ones reduced the yield, and the heavy ones caused the total yield and harvest in the whole garden, which should be paid enough attention to. The common acute drug damage of Schisandra chinensis is mainly caused by improper application and pesticide drift. The drug damage of Schisandra chinensis caused by pesticide drift is mainly caused by the use of 2mae 4muryl D herbicide in corn and wheat fields. Wu Zhongsheng planted 100 mu of Schisandra chinensis in Xiagou Village, Wangshi Town, Haicheng City, and suffered drug damage caused by the drift of 2meme 4muryl D butyl ester, resulting in the total yield and harvest of the whole garden that year. Effect of Schisandra chinensis on herbicide 2pm 4

  • Green plant flowers, potted crabapple flower cultivation methods and pest control

    Green plant flowers, potted crabapple flower cultivation methods and pest control

    Haiyan flower, poet Wang Anshi once wrote poems praising its beauty, it has many kinds, and the color is also very attractive. Such beautiful flowers are certainly ordinary guests in the family. The following small series introduces the cultivation methods and pest control of potted snapper. I hope everyone likes it.

  • How to use carbosulfan?

    How to use carbosulfan?

    What is the principle of carbosulfan? How to use carbosulfan? Also please understand the netizen help introduce butyl sulfur carbofuran also known as butyl sulfur Wei, good winter, cotton special, butyl sulfur carbofuran commonly used to control citrus rust ticks, aphids, leaf miner, scale insects, cotton aphids, cotton bollworm, cotton leafhopper...

  • What are the common flower pests in potted plants? Introduction to common pest forms of flowers

    What are the common flower pests in potted plants? Introduction to common pest forms of flowers

    In flower farming, flower friends are most worried about pests. The breeding of pests not only causes damage to flowers but also damages the breeding environment. Serious pests may even lead to the death of a large number of flowers.

  • How to control wild weeds in wheat? What potions can be used?

    How to control wild weeds in wheat? What potions can be used?

    Weeds are important pests that harm wheat yield, so they should be removed in time, and experience has shown that weeds in the field before winter can increase yield. How to control wild wheat weeds? What potions can be used? 1. How to control wild weeds in wheat

    2020-11-09 Usually wheat wild weeds how control can to use which
  • Field management scheme of winter wheat returning to green period

    Field management scheme of winter wheat returning to green period

    Field management scheme of winter wheat returning to green period

  • The phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits of Schisandra chinensis

    The phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits of Schisandra chinensis

    1. Falling flowers caused by herbicide damage. ⑴ symptoms: new functional leaves curled in spring, serious leaves were black, withered and fell off, herbicide drift occurred in flowering, petals wilted, petals fell off early, pollen vigor decreased or died, pollination was difficult, and flowers did not bear fruit; ⑵ causes: 2mae4 color D butyl drug damage; ⑶ preventive measures: ① recommended using 2mae4murD isooctyl ester instead of 2mae4ray D butyl ester. ② found that the symptoms could be sprayed with 500x yellow humic acid foliar fertilizer. II. Introduction of low temperature and freezing injury

  • 7 kinds of flowers suitable for growing in the bedroom to improve sleep and make them healthier!

    7 kinds of flowers suitable for growing in the bedroom to improve sleep and make them healthier!

    Insomnia is the most painful thing in life, especially for the elderly. If you can't sleep, you can't sleep. Here are 7 kinds of flowers suitable for putting in the bedroom, which can not only promote sleep, but also purify the air. 1. Tiger Pilan

    2020-11-09 7 kinds fit put in the bedroom raise flower improve sleep more
  • The latest field management scheme of winter wheat returning to green

    The latest field management scheme of winter wheat returning to green

    The turning green period of wheat is the key period for the production of spring tillers and the formation of new roots in spring. If it is not managed properly, it will easily lead to the contradiction between aboveground growth and underground growth, as well as the contradiction between effective tillers and ineffective tillers, affecting the robust growth of wheat seedlings. In order to

    2020-11-10 The latest winter wheat turning green period field management program wheat